Cosmetic Management

A Non-Surgical Facelift Cosmetic Acupuncture and Facial Rejuvenation Therapy is an effective, non-surgical and nature treatment to reduce the signs of aging.

  • Improves lymph and fluid flow
  • Increases muscle toning and dermal contractions
  • Reduces bags under your eyes
  • Control acne
  • Softer and tighter skin
  • Lift your droopy eyelids
  • Fine Lines and wrinkles are diminished
  • Restore radiant glow and healthy color back to your face

Better than Botox?

Westvan health clinic specializing in facial rejuvenation therapy is an effective, more natural alternative to other forms of anti-aging cosmetic procedures, such as Botox. Botox is made from a neurotoxin protein called botulinum toxin. And it is commonly Used in cosmetic procedures to temporarily paralyze facial muscles to promote the appearance of smooth skin.

Before & After

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